New building and conversion of ships and offshore contructions
JSC „West Industrier“ provides professional welding, insulation, isolation, vessel interior services:
Pipe fitting & equipment installation
- Welding with various procedures
- Equipment installation
- Mounting of fastening elements
- Support systems for cable line installation
- Watertight doors & hatches, ladders, guard railings & other structure components
Insulation and coating of flat surfaces and pipes
- Pipe isolation
- Fire insulation
- Thermal insulation
- Acoustic insulation
Insulation of exhaust pipes - Cladding works, metal sheet covering installation
Electric installation
- Electric trail installation, renewal
Installation of Ventilation systems
- All ventilation systems, installation works.
- Scaffold assembling and disassembling works.
Vessel interior
- Installation of wall and ceiling panels
- Residential and technical facilities assembly
- Sanitary modules (wet units) installation
- Modular cabins installation
- Installation of sanitary equipment
- Fire-resistant doors installation